Monday, May 3, 2010

The Bread Art Project…


…is sponsored by the Grain Foods Foundation.  It is to raise awareness of hunger here in America.  For every piece of art created, they will donate $1 to “Share Our Strength” which is the leading organization working to end childhood hunger in America. 

It’s nice to see an organization that is taking our donated money (and theirs) and basically putting it back into our communities instead of sending it off some place else.  Don’t get me wrong, the other organizations are wonderful too, but as my Grandmother used to say:  “Charity begins at home.”

Please click on my above image to go check them out and make a piece of art toast yourself!!!


Allie said...


galakoala said...

wow,great idea,it's something new,something really fresh!;)

Dena said...

I love this organization. They are making a huge impact in educating Americans about the needs of our own communities and how their support can make an impact.

Great job on your bread art.

My Life Under the Bus said...

We all did some artwork !